
Segment, Localize and Fine-Tune Prices In Less Than 60 Seconds

Praveen Maloo
Praveen Maloo
Originally published: 20/Jun/23
Modifying prices for multiple segments can be an arduous task that requires duplicating plans for different regions, segments, and currencies. Corrily's Price Control Center provides an all-encompassing solution to manage and fine-tune subscription prices, enabling businesses to move nimbly in a fast-paced global market.

In the expanding universe of subscription-based businesses, setting the right price is crucial for maintaining steady growth. However, subscription pricing is multifaceted, often requiring adjustments for different regions, user segments, and currency exchanges.

Moreover, businesses that rely on platforms like Stripe, Chargebee, and Recurly for their subscription services often find themselves faced with a daunting task - duplicating subscription plans for different regions, segments, and currencies. This process can quickly balloon the product catalog, making it cumbersome to manage and challenging to navigate.

This is where Corrily's Price Control Center can help, offering a flexible and effective tool to streamline your pricing strategy.

Meeting The Intricacies of Subscription Pricing

A subscription business model assures predictable revenue, but it also entails complex pricing decisions due to factors like variable purchasing power, differing regional economic conditions, and fluctuating exchange rates.

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To help navigate this landscape, Corrily's Price Control Center provides an all-encompassing solution to manage and fine-tune subscription prices, enabling businesses to move nimbly in a fast-paced global market.

Tailored Pricing with Segmentation and Localization

Corrily's Price Control Center allows you to segment your subscription prices according to different countries and user segments. This enables a granular approach to pricing strategies, catering to the unique economic realities and purchasing power of each segment.

Beyond segmentation, the key to success in a global subscription service is localization. Corrily enables you to easily localize subscription prices to any currency, factoring in the current exchange rate and purchasing power. This degree of personalization can dramatically improve customer experience and conversion rates.

Price Control Center

Pleasant Pricing: Rounding Strategies for Aesthetic Appeal

Psychology plays an essential role in pricing strategy. Prices ending in .99 or .95, for example, are often perceived as significantly less expensive than they are. Corrily's Price Control Center supports various rounding strategies, enabling businesses to set prices that not only make financial sense but also have a visually appealing impact on the customers. This feature enhances the consumer's perception of value and can increase the willingness to subscribe.

Bulk Actions: Efficiency on a Large Scale

Modifying prices for multiple segments or subscription tiers can be an arduous task. Corrily's Price Control Center streamlines this process by handling bulk pricing actions, letting you adjust prices across numerous segments, audiences, or tiers simultaneously. This drastically enhances operational efficiency, freeing up time for you to concentrate on other business-critical tasks.

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